Wotton Rovers Football Club COVID-19 Risk Assessment
All players to be sent a copy of this risk assessment and self-screen check. All players, managers and committee members must complete the self-screen check BEFORE arrival at the match. If they have ANY symptoms, they should stay home and follow the latest Government guidance.
Appointed a COVID-19 officer. On arrival at both training sessions and matches, all players/coaches attending must be signed in to comply with Track and Trace requirements. Information will be kept in accordance with GDPR and shredded after 21 days. If anyone in attendance develops COVID-19 symptoms, the COVID-19 officer will contact everyone in attendance to inform them to self-isolate guidance.
All players/ coaches to wash/sanitise their hands on arrival.
All equipment, corner flags and goal posts to be cleaned before and after matches. Where personnel allows, this will also be done at half time.
Cleaning equipment provided (cleaning cupboard – changing rooms).
Players to travel to sessions and matches in accordance with FA Guidelines:
All participants and other attendees should follow best practice for travel. People from a household or support bubble can travel together in a vehicle.
If car sharing is unavoidable, ALL players must wear a face covering.
If participants do have to travel with people outside their household, they should try to:
Share the transport with the same people each time;
Keep to small groups of people at any one time;
Open windows for ventilation;
Face away from each other;
Clean the car between journeys using standard cleaning products – including door handles and other areas that people may touch;
Ask the driver and all passengers to wear a face covering;
Consider seating arrangements to maximise distance between people in the vehicle;
Require regular hand sanitisation by passengers;
Limit the time spent at garages, petrol stations and motorway services;
Wash hands for at least 20 seconds or sanitise hands often, and always when exiting or re-entering the vehicle;
When finishing the journey, participants should wash their hands for at least 20 seconds or sanitise their hands as soon as possible.
Club will follow FA guidelines:
Where possible, players and coaches must arrive changed and shower at home. If essential use is required, changing rooms will be open with a maximum occupancy of 7. Face coverings must be worn.
Changing rooms will be disinfected between uses.
Showers remain unavailable due to boiler failure (Pitch Landlord to rectify asap)
A lockable referees office including shower is available.
Referees office will be disinfected before and after each match.
Antibacterial spray and wipes provided for Referee’s own use if desired.
Staggered arrival times for players and officials to ease the congestion at the gate.
COVID-19 officer will contact the away team and officials to confirm the arrival time.
Example: for 2pm KO:
Home team to arrive at 12.45pm
Away team to arrive at 13.00pm
Officials to arrive at 13.15pm.
The ground is located within a public playing field with children’s playground. Committee cannot control methods of entry to the ground.
Posters advising spectators of social distancing requirements will be displayed.
FA Guidelines:
Toilets should be open before, during and for 30 minutes after the match.
One toilet within the changing room building will be open during games, clearly signposted as “one-in-one-out”.
Sanitising equipment provided for users.
Toilets will be disinfected before, during and after play.
Attendance to be arranged in advance to enable Managers to devise suitable groups (via existing messenger group).
Managers to separate training groups to ensure there are not any groups larger than 30 (including coaches and managers).
COVID-19 officer to follow guidance of officials and leagues regarding sanitising breaks of goal posts, corner flags and equipment.
Players MUST bring their own water bottle to training and matches. There will be no sharing of bottles.
If the ball goes of play, the ball will be retrieved using feet where possible.
Players and officials should not spit when at the ground. Any chewing gum must be disposed of BEFORE entry to the playing area.
Players should avoid shouting when facing each other to reduce the risk of transmitting any germs.
Close goal celebrations are to be discouraged by management committee.
The ground is located within a public playing field with children’s playground. Committee cannot deny the public entry to the ground.
Posters advising spectators of social distancing requirements will be displayed. Hand sanitiser will be available for spectators’ use.
Synwell Playing Field is operating within COVID-19 guidelines for public play areas, and have displayed multiple social distancing reminders and a large Government social distancing poster.
Their risk assessment is available on request.
Where WRFC representatives observe members of the public failing to maintain social distancing, we will ask them to move apart wherever possible.
Only serious first aid injuries to be treated. The nominated first aider will be wearing a mask and gloves when treating players.
Players to pay for their match fees using contactless payment where possible.
Where not possible, player must sanitise hands and place cash directly into match fee cash box, which will be locked without contact for 48 hours.
To be paid in cash before kick-off; notes in an envelope (no coins)
Coaches and Substitutes to socially distance.
The ground is located within a public playing field with children’s playground. Committee cannot enforce absolute control over where members of the public stand. Posters advising spectators of social distancing requirements will be displayed. Hand sanitiser will be available for spectators’ use.
Hands to be sanitised at the earliest opportunity after the match. Equipment will be wiped down by COVID officer and management committee.
FA Guideline:
Individuals should take their own kit home to wash it themselves.
Where kit absolutely has to be shared or kept together (e.g. last-minute stand-in players, shortage of kit, or an essential club function) each person handling it must wash or sanitise their hands immediately after and appropriate cleaning arrangements must be made.
Congregating around the changing area after the game will be discouraged.
The ground is located within a public playing field with children’s playground. The Club house is a public social club which is not under the control of the Football Club. The Committee cannot compel anyone to leave the public area of the ground. Posters advising social distancing requirements will be displayed.
Synwell Sports and Social Club is open and operating within COVID-19 guidelines for bars.
Synwell Playing Field is operating within COVID-19 guidelines for public play areas.
Both organisations risk assessments are available on request.
Anyone who become infected after the training session/ activity should report it to the COVID officer, who will then contact everyone on the Track and trace register.